Answered By: Caroline McKinley
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024     Views: 544

For copies of NYMC dissertations or Master’s theses from on or before 2018. Note: After 2018, Literature Reviews will no longer be cataloged in NYMCat.

  1. Use the library catalog, NYMCat, linked from the library homepage. Select Advanced Search. Change the drop down menu next to the first search box from “Keyword” to “Subject”. Type "dissertations, academic" in the search box.
  2. In the second search box type type in “new york medical college”.
  3. To narrow results further you can try using the name of the school or department in a third search box, but keep in mind that these names have changed over the years and not all theses are indexed with them. You may also add a topic search term, either as a subject search or the default keyword search.

For digital (only) copies of NYMC Master's theses or dissertations from on or before 2018:

  1. Use the library catalog, NYMCat, linked from the library homepage. Select Advanced Search. Change the drop down menu next to the first search box from “Keyword” to “Subject”. Type "dissertations, electronic" in the search box.
  2. In the second search box type type in “new york medical college.”

For NYMC Master's theses or Dissertations from 2019 on (digital only), you can also search Touro Scholar. We are currently working on cataloging these in NYMCat.

  1. Click on the Students link.
  2. Click on the NYMC Student Theses link

Note: Theses, Dissertations, and Literature Reviews in print cannot be removed from the library, but may be scanned or copied. Theses are shelved in closed stacks. To see print copies, provide author and title information at the Access Services Desk or call +1 (914) 594-4200 to arrange to email this information ahead of time, so that the theses will be waiting for you. 

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