Answered By: Marie Ascher
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2020     Views: 61

Thank you for this question! The library provides services, resources, and facilities to the entire community at no cost to individuals. We’re always looking to do new things – and we need donations and support!

The easiest way to give is to use this link. Make sure to choose “Health Sciences Library” from the Designation drop-down menu. If you are considering a large gift, there are many areas that can be targeted for funding.

In the new Skyline Library, there are naming opportunities for rooms, furniture, and the library space itself. Similarly, the Health Sciences Library itself needs a name. We have expansive renovation ideas and plans for developing additional quiet study and collaborative space.

For large gifts, correspond directly with Marie Ascher, Lillian Hetrick Huber Endowed Director, and/or Amy Kahn, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations,

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