Answered By: Danielle Aloia
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2020     Views: 131

The Library welcomes any and all suggestions. We are always looking for new and appropriate materials to add to the collection.

There are five ways to make request:

  1. Submit a resource suggestion.
  2. Send an email to our Collection Management Librarian:
  3. Email your department’s librarian liaison:
  4. Use the Library Catalog, NYMCat. Log into NYMCat. On the left side, you will see several tabs. Click on Your Purchase Suggestions. Then click on New Purchase Suggestions. Fill out the form.
  5. Place an eBook request through the R2 eBook portal. R2 books become inaccessible after 3 uses. When a book is no longer accessible you will see the following message: 

This title is being considered for purchase by the library and is currently not accessible. Please click here to contact your library administrator for more information. The information for this title will be automatically included in your message.

Click on the link provided and follow the instructions to make your request.

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