If you receive an error message that says your TouroOne username or password is incorrect, please call +1 (914) 594-2000 or email helpdesk@nymc.edu and provide your name, status, and a brief description of the problem.
If you receive an error message that says your library account username or password is incorrect, please call +1 (914) 594-4200 or email hsl_nymc@nymc.edu and provide your name, status, and a brief description of the problem.
If you have a problem with self-registration, please call +1 (914) 594-4200 or email hsl_nymc@nymc.edu and provide your name, status, and a brief description of the problem.
If you get a ‘Maximum Virtual Hosts’ error, please email Afsar Mohiuddin, Library Network Systems Administrator a_mohiuddin@nymc.edu or call him at +1 (914) 594-3174.
If you can’t log on from a hospital, please have your IT department representative email Afsar Mohiuddin, Library Network Systems Administrator a_mohiuddin@nymc.edu or call him at +1 (914) 594-3174.
If you have a problem with a particular database or resource once you have successfully logged in, contact a Librarian by using our Ask a Librarian service, texting +1 (914) 481-3861, or calling +1 (914) 594-4200.
If you have other connectivity problems, please email a description and screenshot to Afsar Mohiuddin, Library Network Systems Administrator a_mohiuddin@nymc.edu or phone him at +1 (914) 594-3174.