Answered By: Jeanette Aprile
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2020     Views: 321

You can still control how bullets and numbers that are auto-formatted in Word appear in your document.


Click on the formatted bullet or number, then right-click. Then click on Adjust List Indent. 

To change how far the bullets appear from the margin of the page, adjust the Bullet Position. 

To change the indentation of the text after the bullet, adjust Text Indent. 

To change how far away the text appears from the bullet, select from Follow Number With. If you select Tab Character, you can adjust the spacing more precisely in the box below. 


If you are using numbers, you can also adjust how your numbers appear. Click on the number you want to change, and then right-click. Click on Set Numbering Value. Then, select the value you want to appear. 

To adjust how the numbers appear after the number you changed, you can click on the number sequence, right-click and then select either Restart, Continue Numbering, or Set Numbering Value, depending on what you would like to do. 

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