When you add article URLs to your syllabi, you can do so as follows in order to link directly to the library:
If you find a resource using any of our EBSCO databases (see the list to the right) or using the NYMC Access button, you can copy and paste the URL of the resource directly into your learning management system (LMS).
For example, I looked up an article called "Christmas Candies as Foreign Bodies" in PubMed. When I right-clicked on the NYMC Article Linker button and selected "Copy link address" from the drop-down menu, I was taken to this link: https://imageserver.ebscohost.com/branding/s9001925/FullTextFinder.html?sid=Entrez:PubMed&id=pmid:29128040, which I can then copy and paste into LCMS+/Leo or Canvas.
For non-EBSCO resources, you will need to add a prefix to your resource link.
For example, I found Chapter 2: Pathology of Skin Lesions from Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, 9e in our AccessMedicine database. When I clicked on the chapter, I was taken to this link: https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=2570§ionid=210415075. If I wanted to use this link in LCMS+/Leo or Canvas, I would need to append the OpenAthens prefix to the link, which would then become: https://widgets.ebscohost.com/prod/customlink/proxify/proxify.php?count=1&encode=1&proxy=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.openathens.net%2Fredirector%2Ftouro.edu%3Furl%3D&target=
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