Answered By: Jeanette Aprile
Last Updated: Mar 24, 2022     Views: 91

Before Installing

  • Check that your computer meets EndNote 20's system requirements before you start the installation process.
  • Close all Microsoft Office products (Word, Outlook, etc.) before you start the installation process.
  • If you are installing EndNote on a computer that you do not own, you must contact your computer's administrator to complete installation.

Installing EndNote Desktop

  1. Download the file
    • Note: When you attempt to access the file, you will be prompted to log into OpenAthens.
  2. Unzip the file by double clicking on it.
  3. Open the .dmg file and follow the instructions to install it on your hard drive.
  4. Once you’re finished installing EndNote Desktop, your system will prompt you to eject the .dmg file.
  5. When you first open EndNote Desktop, the system will either prompt you to create a new library or create one for you.

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