Answered By: Jeanette Aprile
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2023     Views: 1459

Create an Excel Sheet of your Endnote References

  1. Go to Output Styles>Open Style Manager>From the list, check off the style Tab Delimited.
  2. Go to Output Styles>Tab Delimited now appears in your drop down. Check it off.

Optional Tip:

  • Click Edit Tab Delimited, then click Bibliography>Templates.
  • Click Reference Type>Journal Article.
  • Copy the text from the Generic box to the box for Journal Article. These are the fields that will appear in your spreadsheet.
  • Every |field name| à indicates a new column. You can remove columns here that you do not want to appear by simply deleting them from the template. 
  • You can also edit any other aspect of the how you would like the information to appear from the left hand column of this window, for example, journal name, sentence case, bolded fields, etc.
  1. Highlight all the references you would like included in the Excel sheet.
  2. Right-click on the highlighted references and select Copy Formatted References.
  3. Open a new Excel sheet and place the cursor in cell A2. Paste the formatted references.
  4. From here, you may want to add your own column headers in the first row and clean up the data as you would like it to appear.


If fields appear in multiple or random columns:

You may notice some inconsistencies in your spreadsheet, if the spreadsheet is beyond reasonably being able to fix within Excel, follow the steps below:

  1. Make a backup copy of your Endnote Library by click on File (EndNote if you are using a Mac) and then click on Save a Copy.
  2. Click on File (Or EndNote for Mac) then Open Library, and open the copy of your library.
  3. Highlight all the references by clicking on All References on the left-hand column, then Control or Command+A to highlight all the references.
  4. Go up to Library, click on Find and Replace.
  5. Place the cursor in the box Find. Then click on Insert Special>Carriage Return.
  6. Place the cursor in the box Replace. Press the space bar.
  7. Go to the drop down menu Select A Field. Choose Any Field.
  8. Click Change.
  9. Now follow the steps for Copying the Formatting References to Excel. 

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