1. Before searching, be sure to be logged in to the library homepage. Login either as prompted when accessing a resource, or use the Login button in the upper right hand corner of the library homepage.
2. When accessing articles from a database such as Pubmed, the availability of the article is indicated after clicking on the red NYMC Access button. If the library does not own the article, the only access option indicated will be interlibrary loan.
3. If the library owns the article, you will be linked to Science Direct.
4. If you are linked to Science Direct, but cannot access the article, you may have to indicate your affiliation, or activate a personal account in Science Direct.
5. If you are logged in to the library, but are not able to download the full-text of the article, look for the blue bar next to the button View PDF: Access Through Your Institution. Click the bar Access Through Your Institution.
6. Next, you will be prompted to indicate your institution. Type New York Medical College, and you will see Touro College & University System (New York Medical College) appear in the drop-down. Click Touro College & University System (New York Medical College) as your institution.
7. Now, The View PDF button should have changed to Download PDF, and you have access to the article.
8. If in the future you would like to skip this process, click Personalize in the upper right hand corner of the page in Science Direct, and register for a personal account. Be sure to activate the account while you are signed in to the library.
9. To activate your personal account, Login to the library on the library homepage, click on Science Direct from the Databases list, and then click Sign in. You will be directed to a page with an option in the middle (to the right of the login box) to active your account. Select the activation option and follow the prompts.
10. Once your account is activated, you will be able to access library-owned articles through signing in to your personalized account.
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