Answered By: Katharine Tepper
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2022     Views: 262

  1. Make sure you set up a free account in DynaMed linked to NYMC. So, when you access it via the computer, you will either see your initials in a circle in the top right corner or a box on the right side that looks like this:
  2. If you see the box above, select "Create Account" to set up your DynaMed Account. Follow the steps to set up that account until you are back at DynaMed's home screen and see your initials in the corner.
  3. Now you are ready to sign into the app. Open the DynaMed App. Select the orange "Sign In" button.
  4. A new sign-in page will display. Select "Open Athens" at the bottom. DO NOT enter your username and password yet.
  5. The Open Athens sign-in page will now display. At the bottom, under "Find Your Institution," enter "New York Medical College" and select it from the list displayed below.
  6. Three login options will now appear. Select the option you usually use to access Library resources. Sign in using the credentials you typically use to access Library resources.
  7. You will now be brought to the home page of the DynaMed app and should be set to navigate to the content you wish to see.

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