Answered By: Matthew Mendelsohn
Last Updated: Jun 21, 2023     Views: 247


From our Library Homepage under More Research Tools, click on PubMed. Then follow the instructions below:

How to access journal articles through PubMed

  1. Search for an article by title, DOI (number only) or PMID (number only) in the search bar.
  2. Once an article is found click on the burgundy NYMC access button.
  3. You will then be prompted to login.
  4. You will be then taken to the full text of the article.
  5. If we do not own the article, you will be prompted to order the article through our inter-library loan service.
  6. The instructions and registration for the inter-library loan is located in the link below:
  7. If you have the partial information of an article citation, an article can also be searched using the single citation matcher.




How to access journal articles through the HSL discovery search

  1. Search for an article by title, DOI or PMID in the search bar.
  2. You will then be prompted to login.
  3. Once an article is found in the results click on the access button to get the full text of the article.
  4. If we do not own the article, you will be prompted to order the article through our inter-library loan service.
  5. The instructions and registration for the inter-library loan is located in the link below:




 To browse our journals for articles

  1. Click on the eBook/ejournal link on the main library page.
  2. Search for the journal title, subject, or if you know the journal issn/isbn number.
  3. Search for the relevant vender and date range:

    For the example below, if you wanted the most recent issue of Nature Immunology for January, you would click on the Nature Journals Online link that has issues up to the present.

  4. The journal TOC can then be browsed to find articles of interest by journal volume and issue

  5. You can then read the article on the device or download the article. 

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