Answered By: Marie Ascher
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2020     Views: 46

The Health Sciences Library makes every effort to provide the best mix of information resources to meet the needs of the NYMC community. We are happy to consider suggestions for new titles at any time.

The Library has a Collection Development Committee and discusses collection decisions with the Library and Academic Support Committee (LASCOM) of the Faculty Senate. See this FAQ on how to make purchase recommendations.

When we make decisions about purchasing, we consider anticipated use (by whom? how many? for what?), cost, and appropriateness of the subject to our collection. We look at ILL data and past history of the title (did we own it before and if so when and why was it cut). Similarly, when we cut titles, it is because they’re not used and have a high cost per use title.

If you have recommended titles, please provide some justification for the purchase. Journals are expensive, and we are careful about those we add. However, we routinely add new titles, so please make recommendations.

Also, please be aware that often our users make recommendations, and we end up finding that we do have the title(s) in question. Please work with librarians (contact your liaison!) to discuss any potential access issues or questions.

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